ACUFOE Catalogs : List of sources

00 Author's files
01 List of cases from Richard Hall
02 Cases from Dr Richard F. Haines files
03 Project 1947 Reports, newsclippings and documents (cases from Jan Aldrich and Barry Greenwood)
04 Pilot Reports from IUFOPRA (Ireland)
05 Cases reports from Perry Petrakis, SOS OVNI / Phénomèna (France)
06 Jean-Jacques Velasco, SEPRA / CNES(France)
07 Cases from Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos and Joan Plana (Spanish Aircat)
08 Dr Jacques Vallée
09 Edoardo Russo (CISU - Italy)
10 George Filer’s Files (MUFON - Skywatch)
11 Don Ledger (Nova Scotia - Canada)
12 Cases from Jenny Randles and David Clarke (UFOIN)
13 USAF Project Blue Book 16 mm microfilms from Maxwell AFB (13.3 = roll 3, 13.10 = roll 10, .....)
14 Bernard Thouanel

20 USAF/ATIC, Project Bluebook report forms (Project 1947)
21 USAF, declassified Air Intelligence Information Reports (Project 1947)
22 415th Night Fighter Squadron, missions reports, Dec.1944-Apr.45 (Project 1947)
23 Flight crew report form / UAL Flight training center (from Project 1947)
24 List of radar cases from the Condon Committee, University of Colorado (Project 1947)
25 List of radar cases from Francis Ridge, UFO Filter Center (Project 1947)
26 USAF Projects Grudge and Blue Book, reports 1-12, NICAP, 1968
27 Reports from the 4602rd Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS)
28 549 NFS (Night Fighter Squadron), Unit history (Project 1947)
29 History of the 6th Air Division, July 1952 (Project 1947)
30 The ACUFOE catalogue
31 CUFOS Files (from Project 1947)
32 Cases from Ted Bloecher's notes (Project 1947)
33 NICAP's Files
35 Interlink / NICAP UFO web site, Francis Ridge (http//
36 Richard Hall's Washington D.C. 1952 time line.
37 List of ACUFOE cases prior to 1947, Jan Aldrich, Project 1947
38 Murray Bott files, New Zealand (Project 1947)
39 Swissair flight crew member report form (Project 1947)
40 Volunteer flight officer network, UAL (Project 1947)
41 APRO File(Project 1947)

UFO journal, reviews and magazines :

A : APRO Bulletin (Aerial Phenomena Research Organisation -USA)

A24.6 APRO bulletin vol.24 n°6 (december 1975)
A25.3 APRO Bulletin vol.25 n°3 (september 1976) ..... etc.

C : NICAP UFO Investigator (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena)

C08.57 NICAP UFO Investigator August 1957
C02.60 NICAP UFO Investigator February 1960 ......etc.

F : Flying Saucer Review (FSR PO Box 162, High Wycombe, Bucks., HP135DZ, England)

F15.1 Flying Saucer Review volume 15 N°1
F27.2 Flying Saucer Review volume 27 N°2 .....etc.

H : UFO Historical Revue, Barry Greenwood (Box 176, Stoneham, Ma, USA)

H2 UFO Historical Revue N°2

L : Lumières Dans La Nuit (LDLN -B.P. 3 - 77123 Le Vaudoué - France)

L120 LDLN N°120
L331 LDLN N°331 .........etc.

M : MUFON UFO Journal (MUFON, 103 Oldtowne road, Seguin, TX 78155-4099 USA)

M119 MUFON UFO Journal N°119
M122 MUFON UFO Journal N°122 ......etc.

N : UFO Newsclipping Service (2 Caney Valley Drive, Plumerville, Arkansas 72127, USA)

N307 UFO Newsclipping Service n°307
N308 UFO Newsclipping Service n°309 ....etc

P : Phénomènes Spatiaux (GEPA, France)

P28 Phénomènes Spatiaux n°28
P50 Phénomènes Spatiaux n°50 .......etc.

PH : Phénomèna (SOS OVNI, BP 324, 13611 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1 - France)

PH12 Phénomèna n°12
PH32 Phénomèna n°32............etc.

S : Australian international Flying saucer bureau bulletin (AIUFOFSR)

S9 Bulletin N°9
S80 Bulletin N°80................etc.

U : International UFO Reporter (CUFOS, 2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, USA)

U3.1 International UFO Reporter Vol.3 n°1
U21.1 International UFO Reporter Vol.21 n°1 ........etc.

UR : UFO Roundup, Joseph Trainor editor, web site

UR1.44 UFO roundup vol 1 n°44 ...


Books in French:

34 OVNI : Le plus grand problème scientifique de notre temps?, Dr James McDonald, GEPA
103 Face aux soucoupes volantes, E.J. Ruppelt (France Empire 1956)
105 Alerte dans le ciel, Charles Garreau (1956)
109 Du nouveau sur les soucoupes volantes, F. Edwards (R. Laffont)
110 Les ovnis en URSS et dans les pays de l'est, I. Hobana et J. Weverbergh (Laffont 1972)
115 Les étrangers de l'espace, Major Donald Keyhoe (France Empire 1975)
116 Des soucoupes volantes aux ovnis, M. Bougard (SOBEPS 1976)
123 OVNI la fin du secret, Robert Roussel (Belfont, 1978)
133 Vague d'OVNI sur la Belgique (tome 1), SOBEPS (1991)
134 OVNI : un pilote de ligne parle, J.G. Greslé (Tredaniel, 1993)
136 Les soucoupes volantes affaire sérieuse, Frank Edwards (Laffont 1967)
138 OVNI : Mythe ou réalité? J. A. Hynek (Belfond, 1974)
142 L'Empire du Milieu troublé par les ovnis, Shi Bo, (Axis Mundi, 1994
160 Les ovnis en Bretagne, Jean-François Troadec
161 Extraterrestres secret d'état : l'affaire Roswell, Jean-Gabriel Greslé, 1997
162 OVNIS : 50 ans de secrets, Gildas Bourdais, Presses du Châtelet, 1997


Books, reports and documents in English:

253 Alien Update, T. Good
254 The UFO report 1992, T. Good
255 UFO Magazine, janvier-fevrier 1995
260 UFO Report Vol.4 N°3 (july 1977)
261 UFOs 67 N°1
262 True, Flying Saucers and UFO quartely N°4
303 The UFO Evidence, Richard Hall (NICAP 1964)
307 UFOs over America, J. and C. Lorenzen (Signet 1968)
310 UFO Crash at Roswell, K. Randle andD. Schmitt (Avon Books 1991)
317 Uninvited guests, Richard Hall, Aurora press, 1988
321 MUFON International symposium proceedings (MUFON 1987)
322 The UFO Case book, K. Randle (Warner 1991)
323 The UFO Report, T. Good (Avon 1989)
324 Above Top secret, T. Good (Quill, 1988)
325 UFO Chronicle of the soviet union, J. Vallée
336 Roswell: a historical perspective (CUFOS publications 1991)
337 UFOs sightings at the beginning of the modern UFO era, 1947 (CUFOS)
339 Project Delta: a study of multiple UFO, R. Haines (LDA Press 1994)
342 The Blue Book unknowns, Don Berliner (FUFOR)
345 UFOs a history - volume 1 - 1947, Loren Gross (Arcturus Books, 1991)
346 They knew too much about flying saucers, Gray Barker (Saucerian Press 1956)
347 Flying saucers from outer space, Major Donald Keyhoe (Holt 1953)
348 The flying saucer conspiracy, Major Donald Keyhoe (Holt 1955)
349 UFOs : a history, volume 5, jan.-march 1950, Loren Gross (Arcturus books 1990).
350 UFOs : a history, volume 6, april-july 1950, Loren Gross (Arcturus books 1990
351 UFOs : a history, volume 7, aug.-december 1950, Loren Gross (Arcturus 1990)
352 UFO ai confini della realta, special issue of february 1986 of monthly aeronautical magazine JP4
353 Scientific study of UFO, Dr E.U. Condon (Bantam 1968)
354 African encounters, C. Hind (Gemini, 1982)
355 UFO encounters and beyond, J. Clark (Signet, 1992)
356 The UFO annual, M. K. Jessup (Citadel 1956)
357 The UFO encyclopedia vol. 2 : From the beginning through 1959, J. Clark (Omnigraphics 1992)
358 The UFO cover-up, L. Fawcett et B. Greenwood (Fireside 1984)
359 Statement on UFO to House Committee on science and astronautics, Dr J. McDonald (Washington, 1968)
360 World round-up of UFO sightings and events, Flying Saucer Review (Citadel, 1958)
361 Flying saucers top secret, Major D. Keyhoe (Putnam, 1960)
362 MUFON Symposium proceedings 1979
363 UFOs: a history, 1951, Loren Gross (Arcturus)
365 report on the UFO wave of 1947, Ted Bloecher
366 Analysis of UFO-like data before 1947, (FUFOR)
367 UFO Encyclopedia, 1991, John Spencer
369 Advanced aerial devices reported during the Korean war, R.F. Haines (LDA 1990)
370 FSR Case histories N°13
380 AFU Newsletter N°39
381 The Roswell incident, Berlitz and Moore
382 Alien contact, T. Good
383 Situation Red, L. Stringfield
384 A helicopter/UFO encounter over ohio(CUFOS 1979)
385 Melbourne episode, Richard F. Haines (LDA 1987)
386 UFO exist!, Paris Flammonde (Ballantine 1976)
387 Special report 2: UFO/military confrontations, Clifford E. Stone
388 UFO Briefing document: the best available evidence, D. Berliner et A. Huneeus (1995)
389 Flying saucers uncensored, H. Wilkins
390 UFO Magazine (Quest), jan-fev 1996
391 UFOs 1947-1987, The 40 years search for an explanation, J. Spencer et Hilary Evans (1987)
392 Identified Flying Saucers, R. Loftin (1968)
393 Anatomy of a phenomenon, J. Vallée (1965)
394 The edge of Reality, J. A. Hynek et J. Vallée
395 The UFO experience: a scientific inquiry, J. A. Hynek
396 Flying Saucers uncensored, H. T. Wilkins
397 Flying Saucers on the attack, H. T. Wilkins (1954)
398 UFO/ helicopters overflights of USAF bases in 1975, CAUS, CUFOS (1981)
399 MUFON International symposium proceedings 1990

400 *U* UFO Data base and research tool, Larry Hatch, 142 Jeter street, Redwood City, CA94062-1957, USA

401 UFOs a history: 1954, L. Gross
402 America West Airline Case: interim report, W. Webb FUFOR, 1996
403 America West Airline case: final report, W. Webb, FUFOR, 1996
404 UFOs a history: 1946 the ghost rocketts, Loren Gross
405 1995 Korean UFO wave, Sunglyul Maeng, 1996
406 Vehicle interference project, G. Falla, BUFORA, 1979
407 UFOs a history: 1948, L. Gross
408 Radar-visual UFO cases in 1952, Richard Hall, FUFOR, 1996
409 UFOs a history: 1949, L. Gross
410 UFOs a history: 1952, L. Gross
411 UFOs a history: 1953, L. Gross
412 UFOs a history: 1955, L. Gross
413 Beyond Top-Secret, T. Good, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1996
414 UFO Government Docs (FBI) Vol.1, FUFOR
415 UFO Government Docs (CIA) Vol.2, FUFOR
416 UFO Government Docs Vol.3, FUFOR
417 AFU Newsletter n°32 (jan.1992 - dec.1993)
418 MUFON International Symposium proceedings 1983
419 The OZ files, Bill Chalker, 1996
420 MUFON International Symposium proceedings 1992
421 UFO Magazine, Quest Publication (UK), nov.-dec.1996
423 The fantastic flight of of JAL 1628, Dr Bruce Maccabee, FUFOR, 1987
424 The incredible flight of JAL 1628, Quest Publications, 1992
425 UFOs: a History 1951, Loren E. Gross
426 UFOs: a History 1956, Loren E. Gross
427 UFOs: a History 1957, Loren E. Gross
428 The coming of the saucer, K. Arnold & R. Palmer, 1996 edition
430 Keith Basterfield files, Australia, Project 1947
431 Info Pilote, february 1997, "Chasse nocturne"
432 Flying Saucer Review n°7, New York, january 1953
433 Mysteries of the skies : UFO in perspective, G. Lore & H. Deneault, Prentice Hall, 1968
434 On pilot and UFO, Willy Smith, Unicat, 1997
435 UFOs in Space : Anatomy of a phenomenon, J. Vallée
436 The report on UFO, Edward J. Ruppelt, 1956
437 RB-47 Electronic Intelligence case, Brad Sparks, 1997
438 FAA report on JAL 1628 case (from Jan L. Aldrich / Project 1947)
439 Alien Base, Timothy Good, 1998
440 Project 1947 : A Preliminary report on the 1947 UFO sightings wave, Jan L. Aldrich, 1997, UFORC
441 OVNI : Les preuves scientifiques, VSD, Special Issue, France, July 1947
442 Physical Evidence related to UFO reports, Pocantico Conference, Pr Peter Sturrock, 1997
443 Maritime UFO Files, Don Ledger, Nimbus publishing, 1998
444 MUFON International symposium proceedings 1998, article “ Human initiated contact ” by Dr Richard F.Haines
445 Nearmiss with a UFO : Swissair flight 127, Don Berliner and Robert J. Durant, UFORC, 1999
446 UFO danger in the air, Jenny Randles, 1998
447 USAF Project Grudge report, FUFOR 1999
448 X Factor, article "in the air", by Jenny Randles, 1999
449 CE-5, Close Encounters of the fifth kind, Dr Richard F. Haines, 1998
450 Aviation Safety in America “a previously neglected factor”, Dr Richard F. Haines, NARCAP, 2000